The Big, Inescapable Question:
Do you know where you are going after you die? Try as you might, this is a question you cannot avoid. No one lives forever. Your life on Earth is a split second in the grand scheme of eternity. So where are you going to spend eternity? There are only 2 options.
The King of Kings sacrificed His Godly life because He knew that one of those 2 options involved eternal suffering – a suffering so immense that Jesus chose to temporarily set aside His deity and come to Earth to rescue us because He wants all of us to be with Him for eternity.
You know what Jesus endured, you’ve just read about it.
The Easter message isn’t a playful one about bunnies and colourful eggs. It’s a serious message and a love story between you and Jesus.
Jesus paid it all for us so that today, you can run to him. It’s time to make a decision about your life. Don’t live a frivolous life without meaning. Live for a cause. Live for Jesus. He removed every obstacle so that you would no longer be bound for eternal damnation. Jesus chose you before you even knew about Him. His love for you is written with His blood.
If you once loved Jesus but have fallen away, you need to know that Jesus’ love for you has not wavered regardless of what you’ve done. If you have not received Jesus as your Lord and Saviour, Jesus is knocking on the door of your heart today. You are not reading this by accident. Come to Jesus – He humbly endured all the pain on Earth so that one day you’ll come home to Him.
To accept Jesus’ ultimate sacrifice for you, invite him to be your Saviour today. Speak to a Christian friend or family member, or someone at your local church, about Jesus – or pray this prayer in your heart:
Jesus, thank you so much for paying the ultimate price, so that I can be saved. Thank you for dying on the cross that very first Easter, and defeating the power of death by your wonderful resurrection. Jesus I know that it is my wrongdoing that put you on the cross, and it is because of your love for me that you chose to bear such immense pain. Jesus, please be my Lord and Saviour today. I lay all of my sins at the foot of the cross, and promise to live my life for You and You alone.