Easter is a reminder of the greatest love story that was ever told.
God, the highest ruler of all, loved the world so much. However, the world was wicked and had turned away from God’s ways. Blinded by sin, the world was on a one-way track to eternal damnation and suffering. Not wanting to see us perish, the greatest sacrifice was made. God sacrificed His eternal Son Jesus, to take the fall for us, to give us a new chance for redemption.
Easter reminds us of the unimaginable sacrifice that was made for you and me. Jesus died for everyone in this world, so that we can have a new life and forgiveness in Him. No matter what you’ve done, you are included in the count for Jesus’ great sacrifice, because He loves you so dearly. No one is an exception, not even the people who tortured and nailed Jesus to a cross. In fact, while dying on the cross, through agonising breaths Jesus said, “Father, forgive them, for they don’t know what they are doing” – speaking of those who had played a part in crucifying Him (Luke 23:34). That is how much Jesus loves us – even while literally dying, His love triumphed over His violent pain.
Your past does not matter – the truth is, you can never erase the fact that Jesus loves you so much. Jesus chose you long before you even made a choice about Him. Innocent of all sin, Jesus’ innocent blood was poured out for you.
His sole desire is to see us reunited with Him – freed from the shackles of sin by the acceptance of His sacrifice.